Slaying SaaS Spending Like a Jedi Master.
Effortlessly Manage Contracts, Track App Usage, and Control Spending.
Join Beta
Liberate Your Workflow from the Constraints of Google Sheets, Notion, and Airtable
Leave behind the shackles of Google Sheets, Notion, and Airtable. Embrace a future where your workflow is seamless, centralized, and efficient.
Start Quickly and Easily
When you sign up, we'll quickly scan your past expenses and help you move all your subscriptions over. Identify wasted spending from the past and avoid it in the future!
Connect and Manage Your Data
Simply log in and create your profile. Securely link your payment source to your RecurPal account using Plaid.
Create Virtual Cards Instantly
Simply log in and create your profile. Securely link your payment source to your RecurPal account using Plaid.